Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Link Wheels vs. Link Clouds

There are many providers of SEO services tout their service the wheel of a link. Do not listen! Wheels link is a bad idea, increasingly, more and more susceptible to search engine penalties.

What is wrong with the wheels the link?

Search engine ranking depends on links from other sites to your own. SEOs want to make sure these links look natural, and for this reason prefer techniques that use natural language and pattern of the natural link between the professionals. Long time ago, people figured out that a group of links at random from a set of random sites, pointing out all the one site, seemed entirely artificial, and therefore was not in favor of this technology by search engines.

Attempts to connect the Link Wheel to create a natural linking pattern by making sure that every page links to your site also links to another page. Since the links to the home page in addition to the "link juice", it means that the link from that page are also more valuable. It makes sense in theory, but there are two problems: First, the wheel of perfection is anything but normal, and the search engine "walk" can not detect the structure. Second, and linked to each page, at the wheel, and on every other page. If the punishment of any one of those links for any reason, you can link leads to the loss of all your links at once, which would hurt your ranking.

Link to the cloud, on the other hand ...

Web pages when the link to other Web pages, and they are very random pattern. May not link to a news site as a source, the client up to the same location to recommend to the seller, may be listed the same location in the directory, and so on. At the same time, the incoming links to the press, customers, and the evidence probably not be linked to each other. It's not in a hurry at all! I call this cloud the link.

If you are studying this illustration cloud link, you'll see more of the many advantages of the wheel link:

multiple pages of a client's site, because of the power to bring more exposure to more of your content. (This is also a more natural pattern: People do not always link back to your home page.) pages are built important Web 2.0 social media to reach directly to the client's site, but not to each other. Sites and social media can include Squidoo, Hubpages, Facebook, WordPress, and more. build and strengthen the authority of an additional link on the pages of social media, which in turn gives that power in your home. building and a link randomly to the "cloud"; the meaning of the main page, secondary pages and your primary pages and social media. construction sites and did not link up to each other. This means that if one link such a problem, it can not contaminate other links. Cloud link is more time-consuming to build and maintain the wheel of the link, but it is far better for your website and your search engine rankings.

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